The UK government has launched a £40 million fund to spark local digital revolutions and unlock 5G benefits across the UK.
Local and regional authorities can apply for a share of the multi-million-pound fund, designed to accelerate innovation in sectors such as advanced manufacturing, transport, agriculture, and public services, helping to create better connected places across the UK.
The cash boost will create 5G Innovation Regions by awarding funding to areas that can demonstrate how they will drive the development and adoption of 5G and other technologies. This will make sure communities in towns, cities and rural areas across the UK take full advantage of the benefits advanced wireless connectivity and digital technologies can provide, as well as attract commercial investment to grow the economy.
Applications of the technology could include connecting sensors that analyse and help to improve air quality by better managing traffic, and deploying 5G-enabled drones that can scan fields and crops, collecting data on weather and environmental conditions.
The deadline for receipt of applications is 10 September 2023.
See: 5G Innovation Regions: open for applications - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

The new National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage rates will come into force from 1 April 2025.

As part of the changes being gradually introduced by the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act (ECCT), identity verification is set to become a Companies House requirement.